What A Great Family Week!

Mel and Ben came out to watch a movie with us, and Brian took us to Gordo's for dinner. By the looks on their faces, I think the kids enjoyed it... especially Ben.

Brian spearheaded a service project for the High Priests in our ward, pulling out all the shrubs and pyracantha from our neighbors yard. The results was a huge couple of piles of green stuff for the city to pick up. The men actually had a great time with chain saws and trucks with chains pulling these huge roots out of the ground. They piled stuff in front of both houses in the picture.

Jenni and Claire are cutting out pictures of Claire and pasting them on notes to be hidden around the house for Mike to find while they're in Argentina. They invited us to dinner so we could spend some time with them before Mommy and Claire flew out for their two week trip.

We watched American Idol with Jenni, and then Claire got in on the fun, stealing the phone from me as I was voting for my favorite, David Archuleta. I'd dial the number, and Claire would jabber as the recording acknowledged my vote. What a cutie!

WOW!! Can you believe we had dinner with this group of hotties? Suzanne invited us to her apartment for dinner and to watch Idol on Wednesday. She cooks for 10 girls twice a month, then gets to eat what others cook when it's their turn to feed the gang. And let me tell you, it was a great feed.


mommyshan said...

Suzanne is so beautiful!!! What a sweetheart to invite the two of you to come up... I think cooking for 10 is allready a daunting task!

mommyshan said...

Actually, all the posts here are darling! Mel and Ben look great, Jenni and Claire are soooo happy to have you there. And Go Brian, way to be a great neighbor!

Mortensen's said...

Wow, we could really use Brian's help! Francis is pulling out the shrubs around our house this weekend. Maybe I'll encourage him to wait til you're here :) Love the pics! Keep em comin!